Heal your body and mind, Expand your Consciousness and Discover your Highest Potential

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is one of the most profound and life-changing experiences you are likely to have. It is s a cutting-edge hypnosis technique that deals with and has a high potential of solving multiple areas of one's life. QHHT is a deep and powerful practice, so therefore on average patients usually only require One Session.

Each session includes:

  • Preliminary phone consultation (up to 30 minutes)
  • Preparation instructions ( with optional guided meditations)
  • 6 to 16 hour QHHT session
  • Life interview/ Counselling and review of client's 15 most important life questions
  • 3-3.1/2 hour hypnosis session
  • Post session review talk
  • Audio recording file of the 3-3.1/2hour hypnosis session for home listening after care   

Hypnosis sessions are conducted in a very professional, kind and loving manner, supporting the client fully during all stages.

With just one QHHT session you can:

  • find your life purpose
  • experience your past, future and parallel lives
  • communicate directly to your Higher self/Subconscious mind
  • unlock the authentic version of yourself
  • heal your body and mind
  • find your inner power and start using it
  • understand and fix relationships
  • release patterns and believes that block your joy, creativity, motivation
  • let go of anger, sadness and other negative feelings
  • find out about the Universe, God/Source and your connection to it

Here are some of the remarkable healings I have witnessed during my sessions:

  •     Cancer remission
  •     Fixed scoliosis (curved spine)
  •     Healed depression and/or anxiety
  •     Cartilage reconstruction
  •     Improved eyesight
  •     Reversed allergies
  •     Cured migraines
  •     Cured diabetes
  •     Healed digestive problems
  •     Relieved lower, middle and upper back pains
  •     Relieved neck and shoulders pains
  •     Fixed knees and hips
  •     Cured asthma
  •     Healed eczema and other skin problems
  •     Cured obesity
  •     Get pregnant

Quantum Healing is a deeper level of healing that supersedes the superficial healing of traditional Western medicine that can provide permanent life-altering results. This technique is also used to provide amazing healing often not possible with current medical technology. 

The physical and mental symptoms of the body are messages that we have forgotten how to listen to. Using deep states of trance, we silence the conscious mind and journey deep to get the message. Once an individual gets the message and takes action (if needed), the physical symptom is not needed anymore, so it goes away. It really is that simple. The beautiful part is that you are the one doing the healing. I simply get you to the place where you can heal yourself and re-write your story.

This IS the New Medicine!​

When accessing these higher states of consciousness, not only can we get amazing healing, we can also get the answers to anything! In my quantum healing journeys, I incorporate everything I have learned to provide you with the best possible session that is customized to you! No two sessions are alike.


Call me today to book your discovery consultation:
07735 835902 

What should I expect from my QHHT session?

The sessions usually last from 6 to 12 hours

Talk therapy/ Counselling

First, we will begin with talk therapy. We will be talking about you, your childhood, your adult life, your challenges, your relationships.

The session starts with an in-depth consultation to discuss the needs of the client. 

Counselling will help you to understand and clarify your life issues. It is non judgmental, but will help you to clarify and have a better understanding of yourself and your relationship with life itself. 

I do not tell you what to do, but help you to clarify what you want to do and how to accomplish that. At the end of the consultation I will read the client a list of questions / issues. 

Also, I will explain why it is very easy to go into deep state of hypnotic relaxation and how to connect to your Higher self.



Next, we will proceed with the regression. With my guidance you will relax and let go of any worries. While you are relaxing your body, I will guide you to re-live from one to three other lives – past, future or parallel lives, lives on other planets or lives between lives (spiritual world). It’s important to know that the experience comes in different ways – seeing pictures, hearing a voice in your head, having body sensations, intuitive knowing, or becoming the person from that life.

While progressing through the session, the images, feelings and knowing will develop. Hence, you will need to describe every little detail of you experience. This way, you will anchor your perception into the past life and observe it scene by scene. Probably, at this point of the session, you stop worrying if the experience is real (if you do worry). As a result, you give the permission to fully connect.

Each session is Divinely guided. You will see what you are supposed to see.

Higher self

After re-living a past life you are already in theta brain waves – the deepest possible level. We have already begun our communication with your multi-dimensional self. Because your conscious/rational mind is present all the time, you may think you are somehow awake and aware. Therefore, you need to give permission for the communication to occur.


In conclusion, A talk after the session so that client can process what has taken place,

and the briefing is done once we finish after the session is completed.

I will provide you with a digital recording of your session.. It is recommended

that you listen to your session frequently in the early days as there will be a wealth of information with more insight coming into your conscious mind from your higher self.

Call me today to book your discovery consultation:
07735 835902

WHY You Should Consider QHHT

People come for a QHHT session for many reasons.

Some come out of curiosity, some have questions about their life purpose, family, work, or health issues. Overall, clients want to better understand why their life has been the way it has, and most importantly, how to move forward in the best way possible.

Clients come with life-threatening diseases, pain, discomfort, depression or addictions. They usually present with a desire to make their life BETTER and to answer some questions about why they aren’t achieving their full potential.

QHHT can help in the following areas:

~Life direction

~Life purpose

~Lifestyle changes


~Personal growth


~Work and Career

~Talents and creativity

~Important Decisions

~Public speaking

~Trauma Healing

~Phobias & Fears

~Panic attacks



~Insomnia and sleep disorders


~Chronic diseases

~Digestion and stomach problems

~Energy levels


~Allergies and Intolerances


~Eating disorders

~Cancer support

Call me today to book your discovery consultation:
07735 835902

How To Prepare For Your QHHT Session

The most important way to prepare for a session is to intend, from the very moment you have decided to schedule an appointment, to have clear and direct communication with that part of you that is able to provide healing and information. Let’s call that part of you, your Higher Self.

“I have clear and direct communication with my Higher Self”

Note the tense of this sentence.

It’s not “I will have”, its “I have.”

You can then repeat this intention either silently or out loud throughout your day and most importantly, right before you go to sleep at night. Put a “post it note” on your bathroom mirror to remind you and you can focus upon your intention as you brush your teeth and prepare for bed.

You will want to prepare a list of questions and concerns. As your facilitator I ask that you actually write this list down on paper and hand it to me at our appointment. Of course we can modify them when its time for your session. Please neatly hand write the list or print it out on the computer so that I might easily read your questions during the session. Also put these questions and concerns in order of importance to you as we may not be able to address them all. I have had many clients bring a single question or issue of concern to the session, and some who bring dozens. It really does not matter how many you come up with, only that you put them in order of importance.

What kind of questions? The general rule is to ask personal questions or keep topics related to your personal life. Here are a few examples.

• I have had asthma since birth. Why? Can it be healed?

• I am in a new love relationship. Is this person the right one for me?

• I really dislike my job and would like to quit and find a new one. Should I?

• I have a difficult relationship with my sister. Why is this so and can it be resolved?

• Many years ago I had something strange happen to me. (This could be a dream, vision, feeling, or experience) What exactly happened, and why?

• I have a lifelong interest in (name ANY subject) can we explore this in depth?

• Am I on my right spiritual path?

• Can I meet my spirit guide or guardian angel?

• Can I improve my intuitive or psychic skills? How?

• How can I create more peace or balance or abundance in my life?

As your facilitator I have my own prepared list of “standard” questions I can ask if you are focused upon only one or two issues, so don’t worry if you have a short list. And l like to keep your list for my files, thanks.

Try to pay attention to your dreams before our appointment. Write them down, they are messages for you and can help me help you in our session. If you do not already meditate its a good time to start. At the very least, give yourself daily quiet time to quell your mind chatter.


Don’t drink alcoholic or caffeinated beverages before the session, or even, the evening before, if possible.

Please remember to stop any medication that you usual take one day before the session.

Also since your session is in the morning, I would encourage you to have a good healthy breakfast/meal before.

Light exercise prior to your appointment, like a long walk, is an excellent way to prepare for a successful session. This is another good time to repeat your intention. We want your body relaxed, but your mind quiet and alert and engaged.

As much as possible, clear your day for the session. We begin by talking over the process and answering any questions you may have. Then you get comfortable and relaxed and we begin the actual hypnotic regression. 

Afterwards, we go over what was experienced and I make sure you are awake and grounded. This entire process can take anywhere from 6 to 16 hours total, and occasionally even a little bit longer.

It is generally not a good idea to have additional appointments after your regression, or activities that require a great deal of concentration.

You should take it easy.

Having a regression is very much like participating in a long, very detailed and involved daydream. You really will feel as if you have just returned from an amazing journey, having visited other worlds and lifetimes, and in fact, you will have done just exactly that. 

It is best to have some time to process your experience and give yourself an opportunity to fully return to your regular conscious day-to-day reality before attempting any complex mental tasks or strenuous physical activity.

I will provide you with a digital recording of your session...

It is recommended that you listen to your session frequently in the early days as there will be a wealth of information with more insight coming into your conscious mind from your higher self.

Listening to your session in the days and weeks and even months ahead is an important part of the experience of a Cannon Method Regression. Even if your conscious mind remembers the session immediately afterwards, it can, just as some dreams can, begin to fade from your memory, even if you had an “unforgettable” experience! 

Also any healing or life improvement suggestions can and will be reinforced by listening repeatedly to the audio.

The goal is to have your conscious mind “get on board” and align with your Higher Self and its goals, and accept any changes or healing you intend to occur.

Please give yourself a gift of one day for this magical experience.

Expectations Behind

Intentions and expectations are completely different things.

Specific expectations about what you are about to experience are not at all helpful. Here is a video with Dolores Cannon about expectations in any QHHT session:

Dolores Cannon - Expectations in a Quantum Healing Session

Common Hypnosis Myths

No, you will not simply go to sleep and wake up with all of your problems solved. 

No, it is not required that you go so deep into hypnosis that your become unconscious. 

You will experience deep relaxation in a QHHT session and it will be like you are daydreaming and talking to me at the same time. And you will be awake, aware and in CONTROL through the session. I am looking forward to meeting you and working with you.

Finally, remember that I am always here and interested in hearing from YOU in the future and encourage you to drop me a note or give me a call and let me know how life has been.

Duration and Prices

The session will last for approximately between 6-16 hours at a cost of £666

There is also a concessionary rate for special circumstances . 

Useful to know

♥ Your QHHT session is a private session. Even though spouses/ partners/friends want to be with you to witness this amazing event, it is a place where you need to feel completely safe that your confidentiality in all matters is observed. Because of this, no one else is allowed in your session. You may share your recording or any memories or thoughts at your discretion.

♥ If for any reason you need to cancel or reschedule, please let me know as soon as possible. I only book one appointment a day to ensure that all needed time and attention is given to each client. The paid deposit is non refundable but can be used as credit for booking another date.

♥ My intention is to help you to receive the information you seek. I will do everything in my power to work for your greater good and discover the tools you need to move forward in your life in a happy, insightful and productive way.

Call me today to book your discovery consultation:
07735 835902
